
New York Black Culture Trivia 2004.06.25
堂本かおる の 『from ハーレム』 (No.59)
出演料はお支払いできませんが、出演DVDマガジンをご自身の プロモーション・ツールとしてご利用いただけます。またDVDマ ガジンはニューヨークローカルの公共TV局MNNにてオンエア予 定です。
※このサイトに写真があります ※シドロックスのインタビュー記事が以下の2誌に掲載されますの で、ご参考にご一読ください
●週刊誌U.S.フロントライン 7月第1週号(NY 7/1発行) ※インタビューは2誌共に堂本かおる
------------------------------------------------------------------------ My name is SidLocks. I am a Multi-media ( Television and DVD documentaries) producer, founder of Triad Vizionz Media. I'm currently working on a hot and innovative DVD magazine called "International Nutz". "International Nutz" is a networking resourcing guide to artists around the globe, mainly the regions of Japan, Haiti, South Africa, Belgium, France, Senegal, Brazil and of course, USA. I'm searching for MCee's, Djays, Graffiti writers, Dancers to feature in the premiere "International Nutz" digital publication. Please take advantage of this creative platform of promotion to express yourselves and interact with other Hip Hop artists. around the world! Best of all, the promotion on the digital mag is free of charge. Artists will not be paid, however the compensation comes through your art being promoted on public Television in New York and DVD throughout the world. Please contact me at SidLocks@yahoo.com. Peace and Blessings, SidLocks / Triad Vizionz Media.

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